Are you facing a challenge right now? If so, we are here for you. We are here to enfold you in loving, faith-filled prayer. You have our commitment to serve you with sensitivity, compassion, and complete confidentiality. You may submit a prayer request online now or contact us and we will pray with you.
Submit your prayer request below, and rest assured that your request is kept sacred and confidential. Every request sent to us receives loving, compassionate attention and is forwarded to our Pastors and Prayer Intercessors who are trained to keep all information confidential. Please know that we are here for you and that you are never alone.
PRAYER - is considered the most essential part of our Christian life. We know this as proven fact because of the prayer life of Jesus and His disciples.
1. Prayer is experiencing the presence of God. (Psalm 16:11)
2. Prayer is establishing a fellowship with God. (Revelation 3:20)
3. Prayer is entering into a relationship with God. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
4. Praying in line with the will of God. (1 John 5:14)
5. Prayer is asking and receiving from God. (Matthew 6:33)
Please join us for the Prayer Meeting:
Saturday Mornings @ 10:00 am
currently held online in a private virtual video chat room please call 951-230-8789 to join or click below:
Prayer Ministry
Marvin Formoso, Prayer Ministry Leader [Pastora Ester Molina, Advisor]